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"Carrying the Cross Ministires" is a blessing ministry. both to those who work in it and those who are helped.
A multi-functional ministry, we are blessed to assist families in immediate and short-term food supplies, clothings, and, in some cases, furniture.  Even though geared mainly for our church family, we have been blessed to be able to help a few families in our community after a disaster.
"Carrying the Cross" also collects and distributes food, clothing, and gently used blankets and camping gear to "Urban Campers" (formerly known as homeless).
Our outreach to the "Urban Campers" allows us to minister the love of Christ through serving a hot meal, delivering warm clothes, and providing a shelter and food for the long-term and, most importantly, win souls for God.
We are blessed to have a Veteran who helps other vets to start or continue the benefits available to them through the V.A.  Many vets don't know they have benefits due or how to get them.  We are available to guide them through the system and to God.
"Carrying the Cross Ministries" is self-supported by the generous contributions of our church community.  By the "seeds of contribution" being sown into "Carrying the Cross", we are able to continue the teachings of Jesus in John 21:15: "After breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others?'   'Yes,' Peter replied, 'You know you are my friend.'  'Then feed my lambs.' Jesus told him."
We know that Jesus wasn't only talking about food, but the "bread of life" which is the Word of God.
If you are looking for a ministry that serves God and man, then "Carrying the Cross Ministries" is looking for you.  I have found no greater treasurer in life than to help lift someone up to Christ.
We welcome all fresh, frozen, dry and canned goods.  For the "Urban Campers" pop-top foods, warm clothing, thick-soled shoes, and camping gear is greatly appreciated.
We praise God for your kind contributions, prayers and hard work and say "Thank you!"
In God's Word,
Carrying the Cross Ministries