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Pastor Larry Martin is Senior Pastor at Soul's Harbor Word of Faith Church. 
The church building was formerly a motorcycle shop and party house where stolen motorcycles were brought and stripped.  Now it is a house where people come with stripped lives that God heals and rebuilds.
Pastor Larry was formerly known as "The Reaper" while riding with an outlaw motorcycle gang.  His lifestyle finally got him several years in state prison for drug trafficking and several other offenses.  Although he spent many years in crime, he turned to the only Hope there is in life - Jesus!  Delivered from drugs, alcohol, and a life of crime, God began to mold his life into His purpose.
Pastor Larry is an evangelistic speaker with a deliverance ministry.  Through the gifts of the Spirit, many have been saved, healed and delivered in his services.  He has an uncompromising message of faith that will reveal to you who you have been made in Christ.
NOTE:  Click on link at bottom of page to read Pastor's Testimony.