Nursing Home Ministry Directors: 
 Bob Brown & Melony Matteson   
Our Vision for the Nursing Home (Rest Home/Assisted Living) Ministry is to reach out to the elderly with love in different ways using preaching and ministering in Word and song, as well as the with puppets, skits and music and dance.  Also to have some of the elderly come to the fellowship hall to teach the youth things like cooking, needlework, etc. etc.....
2nd Saturday: Canton Nursing Home
3rd Saturday: Brian Center Nursing Home
4th Saturday: Cameron Hall Assisted Living
Jesus was teaching about the last judgment in Matthew 25.  He made a powerful statement in verse 36.  He said, "I was sick and ye visited me."  The righteous and unrighteous at this judgment ask, "When, Lord, were you sick and we visited you?"  His answer in verse 40: "Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

The Lord is blessing Soul's Harbor nursing home ministry.  If you really want a special blessing, join us on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saturday afternoon at 3:00.