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Day of Champions at Greenville County Probation Detention Center.
January 17, 2004
The Soldiers of the Cross planned a trip to the Bill Glass Day of Champions in Greenville, South Carolina.  The trip was "opened" to other church members as well.  We had ELEVEN participate in this trip from Soul's Harbor Church!  PRAISE THE LORD!
We went up on Friday evening and stayed at the Fairfield Inn.   We didn't eat supper until we got to Greenville and we were really hungry.  We went to a cafeteria to meet up with Bill, Bryon and Chris, but it closed just as we got there.  (Of course, Bill, Bryon and Chris had already eaten.)  We had to find another restaurant.  By the time we got back to the Inn, it was very late.  However, before "calling it a night," we congregated in Pastor Larry and Bryan's room to have communion together.  (The communion elements were provided by Chris Kerstine.)
We got up at 5 AM to prepare for the day at Greenville County Probation Detention Center.  The men went into the men's facility and the women went into the women's facility.
What an unforgettable day!!!  Our team of 11 witnessed 18 salvations and 23 rededications (41 decisions for the Lord)!
Five of our team members had never participated in this type of ministry before.  They said they will DEFINITELY do it again!  I have never met anyone who didn't get "hooked" once they got "their feet wet."