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In August 2002, doctors told Bro. Joel Arflin that he had SIX MONTHS to live.  On March 14, 2003 the doctors turned him over to Hospice with 3 to 5 DAYS to live!  He had cancer throughout his entire body and his organs were shutting down.  GOD HEALED HIM and he is now working fulltime.  Seven months later he held a Holy Ghost Miracle Revival at Soul's Harbor.  To be in his presence and hear him minister, you'd never know that he had been sick a single day in his life!
The anointing was so heavy in the services.  People were saved, healed, delivered and lives were changed.  The last night we had a "Pool of Bethesba" healing service.  What an AWESOME time in the Lord!!!
We are proud to have the Arflins attending Soul's Harbor and involved in the various ministries.  Praise the Lord!  God is GOOD!