Baby Dedication
Pastor Larry had the privilege and honor of performing a dedication service for two Soul's Harbor babies on October 5, 2003. Willie and Felicia Brooks dedicated their daughter Aniayah Brooks and Nathan and Anita Taylor dedicated their son Elijah Nathaniel Taylor. (Willie regretfully was unable to be at the service.)
 Licensing and Ordination Service
A Licensing and Ordination Service was held on October 12, 2003. Pastor Larry felt honored to license Anthony Lee Martin and Amy Laura Price into Ministry of Teacher. Amy is the youngest person that Pastor Larry has every licensed and Anthony (Tony) is his son. Elizabeth Smith was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. Apostles Curtis Williams and Sue Piscatelli, along with Pastor Larry, laid hands on each of those being licensed and ordained. Apostle Williams is Amy's uncle and felt extremely honored to lay hands on his niece to commission her as a teacher. Sister Sue came all the way from Sikeston, Missouri to be at the ordination of her long-time friend, Elizabeth. Jim Houchens from Florida (Sue's cousin and friend of Elizabeth) was also present along with many other friends and family of all the participants. The special music included a song written by Sister Sue called "The Benediction" and Tammi, Elizabeth's daughter, sang "Hello Mama" in honor of her mother. It was a very special evening for everyone!

Pastor giving Tony certificate |

Pastor giving certificate to Amy. |

Sister Sue singing "The Benediction" |

Tammi and her mother, Elizabeth |